
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Alaska Scrapbook Pages

Here are some beginning pages for our Alaska Scrapbook.  I've included both the pictures with the flash and without.  I figure you can get the idea.

I'm having so much fun using my new DCWV Indian Summer Fall Stack!  I just love all these colors!
I'm not happy my printer ran out of black ink, but I guess the handwritten blurb is ok.  It just takes up so much more space.

Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to get some more pages done.  I'm having so much fun.  Scrapbooking is so theraputic.  :)


  1. Looks great Janis,I love the colors you are using!

  2. Great pages Janis and I love that paper! Sounds like you're having lots of fun scrappin'!

  3. These ar some great LO's Janis adn super pictures.

    I just read you bio again - must have missed it before because just noticed one of your daughters is doing Photography. One of my son's did this at University as well.

    B x
